How to Delete All Items From SQLite in Android

db.delete(TABLE_NAME, null, null); is the correct syntax to delete all rows in a table. But I think you would have given table name directly without enclosing it in double-quotes. Try like this

db.delete("TABLE_NAME", null, null);

It might help :)

Your delete() call is correct. Did you get writable database? Here is example of method using delete:

 * Remove all users and groups from database.
public void removeAll()
    // db.delete(String tableName, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs);
    // If whereClause is null, it will delete all rows.
    SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); // helper is object extends SQLiteOpenHelper
    db.delete(DatabaseHelper.TAB_USERS, null, null);
    db.delete(DatabaseHelper.TAB_USERS_GROUP, null, null);

Actually another way I did it was to DROP the tables and then just call the onCreate method for the SQLiteDatabase. I don't know which is most a efficient Delete or Drop because I haven't really dug deep into how efficient each method is but it works great for me because in my initial database I have some default values set and so when I call the onCreate method for the database I have some PUT methods there also. This saves code replication. ( instead of doing the delete and then the puts I get a multi purpose out of my onCreate function).

I call it reset. So you'd just have to do db.reset() and then the default values are added in the onCreate after you make your tables.

public void reset () throws SQLException {
    db = DBHelper.getWritableDatabase ();
    db.execSQL ("drop table "+TABLE_NAME);
    db.close ();
    this.DBHelper.onCreate (this.db);

Use This Code for clear all database content

Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'", null);
String tableName="";
  if (c.moveToFirst()) {

      while ( !c.isAfterLast() ) {

          tableName = c.getString( c.getColumnIndex("name"));
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE '"+tableName+"'");
