Displaying a later value of a counter

You need to use the \label-\ref system.

First of all you don't need to reset manually your counter, it suffices to bind it to chapter:


Next I'd use the refcount package and issue a \label just before doing \chapter together with \refstepcounter{mycounter} (this will give an "off by one" which is easily corrected):

  (The value of \texttt{mycounter} at the end of this chapter will be

Of course, the first compilation won't give the actual number as usual for the \label-\ref system.

The solution by egreg is useful because it calls \refstepcounter, which might be needed for things other than printing a counter's state/number. But here is a solution that needs no refcount package and no \refstepcounter, thereby being cheaper. It requires a command, but not a label, per each chapter. I have used Bruno Le Floch's example text from here.

      \textcolor{red}{The value of \texttt{mycounter} at
      the end of this chapter is \@nameuse{mycounter\thechapter}.}\medskip
% All the following is just an example text.

      \setbox\z@\vbox to\vsize{\sos@figures}%
        {\vbox to\sos@top{}\moveright\sos@right\box\z@}%
\newcommand*\lipsumnopar[2][1]{{\def\lips@par{ }\lipsum[#1-#2]}}


\title{Hello world}
\author{Bruno Le Floch}




\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 3 times in this chapter.}\medskip


    Abc def & ghijk lmno pq \\
    \lipsum[1] & \lipsum[2] \\
  \captionof{table}{\label{tab:atable}A table}

  \captionof{figure}{A figure}


\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Another figure}}
\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{A figure}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Another figure}}



\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 2 times in this chapter.}\medskip


\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{That should be figure 5.}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Perhaps the sixth}}


\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Yet another one}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{One last figure for now.}}



\newchapter{Back to normal}

\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 3 times in this chapter.}\medskip


\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{That figure won't be lost.}}


\addfig{\rule{4cm}{5cm}\captionof{figure}{Nor will that one.}}



See Table~\ref{tab:atable}.



\newchapter{Figures, again}

\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 1 time in this chapter.}\medskip


\addfig{\rule{5cm}{2cm}\captionof{table}{Let's pretend it's a table}}


\addfig{\rule{5cm}{2cm}\captionof{table}{Let's pretend it's a table}}


\addfig{\rule{4cm}{1cm}\captionof{table}{Last table}}



Here is my attempt to generalize the solution. More testing is required.

    {\detokenize{#2}}=0first\else second\fi oftwo}%
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname new#1\endcsname[1]{%
      \textcolor{red}{The value of \texttt{#2} at
      the end of this #1 is \@nameuse{\appchap{#1}#2@\headingnr{#1}}.}\medskip

