Removing extra space with \pmod command

I'd define a variant of \pmod:

\def\@pmods#1{\mkern4mu({\operator@font mod}\mkern 6mu#1)}

You can use \pmod as before in all other situations and write

\[ \sum_{n \equiv 1 \pmod*{k}} ... \]

when you need it as a subscript to a sum.

enter image description here

Another way might be to load amsmath and redefine \pod (\pmod is defined in terms of it):

  {\if@display \mkern 18mu\else \mkern 8mu\fi (#1)}
  {\if@display \mkern 18mu\else \mkern 8mu\fi (#1)}

This will avoid having to say \pmod* and the result will be the same as shown.