Disable ESlint parser error messages - VSCode

Update: please refer this updated answer

Open up settings.json and add the property: "eslint.enable": false

Check: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint

In order to disable ESLint only for a specific repo (instead of disabling it globally). Create .vscode folder in your project root and there create a settings.json then add the following config:

    "eslint.enable": false

Maybe after this setting you should consider adding the .vscode/settings.json line to your .gitignore file too, but it is based on your dev team's preference. }

Additionally if you'd like to ignore only some vendor/3PP .js files only then you should consider creating an .eslintignore file. Read more about this here.

go to File => Preferences => Settings

enter image description here

go to Extensions=>ESLint

enter image description here

Uncheck the EsLint:Enable

enter image description here