Differences between jar and war in Spring Boot?

Spring Boot can be told to produce a 'fat JAR' which includes all of your module/service's dependencies and can be run with java -jar <your jar>. See "Create an executable JAR with Maven" here.

Spring Boot can also be told to produce a WAR file, in which case you'll likely choose to deploy it to a web container such as Tomcat or Jetty.

Plenty more details on Spring Boot deployment here.

Running spring-boot application as fat *.jar

It is possible to build so called fat JAR that is executable *.jar file with embedded application container (Tomcat as default option). There are spring-boot plugins for various build systems. Here is the one for maven: spring-boot-maven-plugin

To execute the kind of fat *.jar you could simple run command:

java -jar *.jar

Or using spring-boot-maven goal:

mvn spring-boot:run

Building spring-boot application as *.war archive

The other option is to ship your application as old-fashioned war file. It could be deployed to any servlet container out there. Here is step by step how-to list:

  1. Change packaging to war (talking about maven's pom.xml)
  2. Inherit main spring-boot application class from SpringBootServletInitializer and override SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder) method (see javadoc)
  3. Make sure to set the scope of spring-boot-starter-tomcat as provided

More info in spring-boot documentation

Depends on your deployment. If you are planning to deploy your application to an existing Java EE Application Server (e.g. Tomcat), then standard approach is to perform a war build.

When you use fat jar approach, your application will be deployed on embedded application container provided by spring boot. Conduct Deploying Spring Boot Applications for more information.