Connecting to PHP using Apache's mod_proxy_wstunnel without using 3rd Party APIs

PHP is not created for WS. Of course you can do this, but it is full of while (true) and fsock_open [*]. And you have to have access to the shell to run the WS-server with php-cgi. (usually)

Choose a language that supports threads / asynchronous communication. Now on the top is Node.js. In addition, better use dedicated libraries to support older browsers, etc. If you are thinking about alternatives to ajax then you can use If you want to create one-to-all communication (eg chat, broadcast messaging), go one step further and use one of the Bayeux implementations, for example: Faye.

The mod_proxy_wstunnel extension adds an extra layer to the WS server. Depending on the configuration, it can support DDoS, queue, load-balancing, local port swapping, and https support. But better use this for nginx.

So, for test you don't need mod_proxy_wstunnel, and on production, you should add an extra layer of security, eg NGINX ws tunelling.

[*] Sorry, I made some mistakes. PHP has native support for WebSockets. That content is going to set you negatively to WS in PHP.

Websockets are events, and PHP is poorly managed with it.