Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

Note : This answer was given in 2011. Please check the updated documentation on HTML5 video before proceeding.

If you just want to know whether the video is paused, use the flag stream.paused.

There is no property for a video element in getting its playing status. But there is one event "playing" which will be triggered when it starts to play. An Event called "ended" is also triggered when it stops playing.

So the solution is:

  1. Declare one variable videoStatus.
  2. Add event handlers for different events of video.
  3. Update videoStatus using the event handlers.
  4. Use videoStatus to identify the status of the video.

This page will give you a better idea about video events. Play the video on this page and see how the events are triggered.

Check my answer at How to tell if a <video> element is currently playing?:

MediaElement does not have a property that tells if it is playing or not. But you could define a custom property for it.

Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', {
    get: function(){
        return !!(this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2);

Now you can use it on video or audio elements like this:

    // Do anything you want to

It seems to me like you could just check for !stream.paused.

jQuery(document).on('click', 'video', function(){
        if (this.paused) {
        } else {