How to detect "dangling pointers" if "Assigned()" can't do it?

If you have an object variable in scope and it may or may not be a valid reference, FreeAndNil is what you should be using. That or fixing your code so that your object references are more tightly managed so it's never a question.

Access Violations shouldn't be thought of as an enemy. They're bugs: they mean you made a mistake that needs fixed. (Or that there's a bug in some code you're relying on, but I find most often that I'm the one who screwed up, especially when dealing with the RTL, VCL, or Win32 API.)

It is sometimes possible to detect when the address a pointer points to resides in a memory block that is on the heap's list of freed memory blocks. However, this requires comparing the pointer to potentially every block in the heap's free list which could contain thousands of blocks. So, this is potentially a computationally intensive operation and something you would not want to do frequently except perhaps in a severe diagnostic mode.

This technique only works while the memory block that the pointer used to point to continues to sit in the heap free list. As new objects are allocated from the heap, it is likely that the freed memory block will be removed from the heap free list and put back into active play as the home of a new, different object. The original dangling pointer still points to the same address, but the object living at that address has changed. If the newly allocated object is of the same (or compatible) type as the original object now freed, there is practically no way to know that the pointer originated as a reference to the previous object. In fact, in this very special and rare situation, the dangling pointer will actually work perfectly well. The only observable problem might be if someone notices that the data has changed out from under the pointer unexpectedly.

Unless you are allocating and freeing the same object types over and over again in rapid succession, chances are slim that the new object allocated from that freed memory block will be the same type as the original. When the types of the original and the new object are different, you have a chance of figuring out that the content has changed out from under the pointer. However, to do that you need a way to know the type of the original object that the pointer referred to. In many situations in native compiled applications, the type of the pointer variable itself is not retained at runtime. A pointer is a pointer as far as the CPU is concerned - the hardware knows very little of data types. In a severe diagnostic mode it's conceivable that you could build a lookup table to associate every pointer variable with the type allocated and assigned to it, but this is an enormous task.

That's why Assigned() is not an assertion that the pointer is valid. It just tests that the pointer is not nil.

Why did Borland create the Assigned() function to begin with? To further hide pointerisms from novice and occasional programmers. Function calls are easier to read and understand than pointer operations.

The bottom line is that you should not be attempting to detect dangling pointers in code. If you are going to refer to pointers after they have been freed, set the pointer to nil when you free it. But the best approach is not to refer to pointers after they have been freed.

So, how do you avoid referring to pointers after they have been freed? There are a couple of common idioms that get you a long way.

  • Create objects in a constructor and destroy them in the destructor. Then you simply cannot refer to the pointer before creation or after destruction.
  • Use a local variable pointer that is created at the beginning of the function and destroyed as the last act of the function.

One thing I would strongly recommend is to avoid writing if Assigned() tests into your code unless it is expected behaviour that the pointer may not be created. Your code will become hard to read and you will also lose track of whether the pointer being nil is to be expected or is a bug.

Of course we all do make mistakes and leave dangling pointers. Using FreeAndNil is one cheap way to ensure that dangling pointer access is detected. A more effective method is to use FastMM in full debug mode. I cannot recommend this highly enough. If you are not using this wonderful tool, you should start doing so ASAP.

If you find yourself struggling with dangling pointers and you find it hard to work out why then you probably need to refactor the code to fit into one of the two idioms above.

You can draw a parallel with array indexing errors. My advice is not to check in code for validity of index. Instead use range checking and let the tools do the work and keep the code clean. The exception to this is where the input comes from outside your program, e.g. user input.

My parting shot: only ever write if Assigned if it is normal behaviour for the pointer to be nil.