Detect double tap on ipad or iphone screen using javascript

This could be used for a double tap or a double click. In pure javascript:

var mylatesttap;
function doubletap() {

   var now = new Date().getTime();
   var timesince = now - mylatesttap;
   if((timesince < 600) && (timesince > 0)){

    // double tap   

            // too much time to be a doubletap

   mylatesttap = new Date().getTime();


One basic idea is to do it like this:

  1. In order to create a double-tap (or double click) event you need to create code on the onClick event.

  2. The reason you most likely want double-tap/click is because you already have something attached to the onClick event and need a different gesture on the same element.

  3. This means that your onClick event should only launch the onClick event after a setTimeout() is acknowledged.

  4. So the basic code would launch the function attached to the onClick event using a setTimeout() command. The first click says "Start timer + run function using setTimeout() after say..500 milliseconds. The second time you clicked, you would check to see if the second click was inside a specific time frame in order to count as a double tap. So if the End time was less than 500 milliseconds, you would cancel the setTimeout() using clearTimeout() and then launch a completely different function (the function you wanted to launch for double tab/click)

  5. Stopping default action? - Probably somthing like stopPropagation() or cancelBubble() would do the trick. Honestly, I don't know but that's where I'd start researching.