Design: Java and returning self-reference in setter methods

This is called a Fluent Interface, for reference.

Personally, I think it's a pretty neat idea, but a matter of taste really. I think jQuery works this way.

I find this to be in poor style when used in setters. Immutable classes are usually a better fit for chaining, such as:

aWithB = myObject.withA(someA).withB(someB);

where myObject is of this class:

class MyClass {
    withA(TypeA a) {
         this.a.equals(a) ? this : new MyClass(this, a);

    private MyClass(MyClass copy, TypeA a) {
        this.a = a;

The builder pattern is also useful, since it allows the final object to be immutable while preventing the intermediate instances you would normally have to create when using this technique.

Chained invocation is one of proposals for Java 7. It says that if a method return type is void, it should implicitly return this. If you're interested in this topic, there is a bunch of links and a simple example on Alex Miller's Java 7 page.

I wouldn't do it myself, because to me it muddies what a particular method does, and the method-chaining is of limited use to me over doing it longhand. It isn't going to send me into a quivering ball of rage and psychosis, though, which is always a good thing. :')

I wouldn't be concerned about performance; just ask Knuth.

