How to unit test an object with database queries

Ideally, your objects should be persistent ignorant. For instance, you should have a "data access layer", that you would make requests to, that would return objects. This way, you can leave that part out of your unit tests, or test them in isolation.

If your objects are tightly coupled to your data layer, it is difficult to do proper unit testing. The first part of unit test, is "unit". All units should be able to be tested in isolation.

In my C# projects, I use NHibernate with a completely separate Data layer. My objects live in the core domain model and are accessed from my application layer. The application layer talks to both the data layer and the domain model layer.

The application layer is also sometimes called the "Business Layer".

If you are using PHP, create a specific set of classes ONLY for data access. Make sure your objects have no idea how they are persisted and wire up the two in your application classes.

Another option would be to use mocking/stubs.

The easiest way to unit test an object with database access is using transaction scopes.

For example:

    public void DeleteAttendee() {

        using(TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {
            Attendee anAttendee = Attendee.Get(3);

            //Try reloading. Instance should have been deleted.
            Attendee deletedAttendee = Attendee.Get(3);

This will revert back the state of the database, basically like a transaction rollback so you can run the test as many times as you want without any sideeffects. We've used this approach successfully in large projects. Our build does take a little long to run (15 minutes), but it is not horrible for having 1800 unit tests. Also, if build time is a concern, you can change the build process to have multiple builds, one for building src, another that fires up afterwards that handles unit tests, code analysis, packaging, etc...

I would suggest mocking out your calls to the database. Mocks are basically objects that look like the object you are trying to call a method on, in the sense that they have the same properties, methods, etc. available to caller. But instead of performing whatever action they are programmed to do when a particular method is called, it skips that altogether, and just returns a result. That result is typically defined by you ahead of time.

In order to set up your objects for mocking, you probably need to use some sort of inversion of control/ dependency injection pattern, as in the following pseudo-code:

class Bar
    private FooDataProvider _dataProvider;

    public instantiate(FooDataProvider dataProvider) {
        _dataProvider = dataProvider;

    public getAllFoos() {
        // instead of calling Foo.GetAll() here, we are introducing an extra layer of abstraction
        return _dataProvider.GetAllFoos();

class FooDataProvider
    public Foo[] GetAllFoos() {
        return Foo.GetAll();

Now in your unit test, you create a mock of FooDataProvider, which allows you to call the method GetAllFoos without having to actually hit the database.

class BarTests
    public TestGetAllFoos() {
        // here we set up our mock FooDataProvider
        mockRepository =
        mockFooDataProvider = mockRepository.CreateMockOfType(FooDataProvider);

        // create a new array of Foo objects
        testFooArray = new Foo[] {,,}

        // the next statement will cause testFooArray to be returned every time we call FooDAtaProvider.GetAllFoos,
        // instead of calling to the database and returning whatever is in there
        // ExpectCallTo and Returns are methods provided by our imaginary mocking framework

        // now begins our actual unit test
        testBar = new Bar(mockFooDataProvider)
        baz = testBar.GetAllFoos()

        // baz should now equal the testFooArray object we created earlier
        Assert.AreEqual(3, baz.length)

A common mocking scenario, in a nutshell. Of course you will still probably want to unit test your actual database calls too, for which you will need to hit the database.