Deleting list elements by comparing to another list

DeleteCases[l, _?(Function[x,Or@@(ContainsAll[x,#]&/@p)])]

{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "x"}, {"g", "f", "k"}}


DeleteCases[l, _?(Or@@(Function[t,ContainsAll[#,t]]/@p)&)]

{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "x"}, {"g", "f", "k"}}

Update: A variant of Mr. Wizard's filter using OrderlessPatternSequence:

filter3[l_, p_] := Module[{f}, f[{Alternatives @@ 
  (OrderlessPatternSequence[##& @@ #,___]& /@ p)}] := 0; f[_] := 1; Pick[l, f /@ l, 1]]  

filter3[l, p] 

{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "x"}, {"g", "f", "k"}}

This is faster than both filter and filter2:

filter3[EN, ss~Take~1000] // Length // AbsoluteTiming 

{9.43515, 19155}


filter[EN, ss~Take~1000] // Length // AbsoluteTiming

{13.1298, 19155}

filter2[EN, ss~Take~1000] // Length // AbsoluteTiming 

{13.1131, 19155}

Pick[l, Or @@@ Outer[SubsetQ, l, p, 1], False]


Fold[DeleteCases[#1, _?(ContainsAll[#2])] &, l, p]


Fold[{a, b} \[Function] Select[a, ! SubsetQ[#, b] &], l, p]

or (parallelized and thus should be faster than the others for longer lists)

 ParallelTable[Or @@ Map[SubsetQ[x, #] &, p], {x, l}, 
  Method -> "CoarsestGrained"],

This question is related to: How to select minimal subsets?

If you want a solution that performs well with a long $p$ list you do not want one that rescans naively for each of its elements, as supplied in the other answers. (Sorry, guys.)

Instead try:

filter[l_, p_] :=
    SetAttributes[f, Orderless];
    (f[##, ___] = Sequence[]) & @@@ p;
    f[else__] := {else};
    f @@@ l

filter2[l_, p_] :=
  Module[{f, g},
    SetAttributes[f, Orderless];
    (f[##, ___] = True) & @@@ p;
    g[a_] /; f @@ a = Sequence[];
    g[a_] := a;
    g /@ l

filter[l, p]
filter2[l, p]
{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "x"}, {"f", "g", "k"}}

{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "x"}, {"g", "f", "k"}}    (* original set order *)

These will actually finish on your sample problem, whereas the others will run indefinitely:

En = Alphabet["English"];
Characters[ToLowerCase[DictionaryLookup[{"English", "*"}]]];
Select[%, SubsetQ[En, ToLowerCase[#1]] &];
EN = Map[Sort, Map[DeleteDuplicates, %]];
ss = Subsets[En, {3}];

filter[EN, ss ~Take~ 1000]  // Length // AbsoluteTiming

filter2[EN, ss ~Take~ 1000] // Length // AbsoluteTiming
{9.09321, 19155}

{9.09125, 19155}

String Patterns

The method above was written to be general, but if your sample problem truly is representative you may consider String patterns as an alternative:

pat = StringRiffle[#, {"*", "*", "*"}] & /@ Take[ss, 1000];

joinEN = StringJoin /@ EN;

Pick[joinEN, StringMatchQ[joinEN, pat], False] // Length // AbsoluteTiming
{5.16058, 19155}