Using Assuming with Reduce

Assuming >> Details:

  • Assuming affects the default assumptions for all functions that have an Assumptions option.

Assumptions is not an option for Reduce:


{Backsubstitution -> False, Cubics -> False, GeneratedParameters -> C, Method -> Automatic, Modulus -> 0, Quartics -> False, WorkingPrecision -> ∞}

You can wrap Reduce with FullSimplify:

Assuming[w > 1/2 && P < 1, FullSimplify@Reduce[P + f (-1 + P) (-1 + 2 w) > 0]]

f (-1 + P + 2 w - 2 P w) < P

As mentioned by @kglr (+1) Reduce will ignore the conditions in Assuming but FullSimplify will use them.

  ] /@ {Reduce, FullSimplify}
(* {False, True} *)

Another option would have been to incorporate your assumptions into the expression to Reduce.

 And @@ {
   P + f (-1 + P) (-1 + 2 w) > 0,
   w > 1/2,
   P < 1
(* w > 1/2 && P < 1 && f < -(P/(1 - P - 2 w + 2 P w)) *)

There is a warning in the docs for FullSimplify:

Some of the transformations used by FullSimplify are only generically correct.

It's also true for Simplify (e.g. Simplify[Sin[Pi x]/x == 0, x ∈ Integers]). Often one uses Reduce to avoid such errors.

One way to introduce assumptions in Reduce is to include them as constraints:

Assuming[w > 1/2 && P < 1, 
 Reduce[$Assumptions && P + f (-1 + P) (-1 + 2 w) > 0]]
(*  w > 1/2 && P < 1 && f < -(P/(1 - P - 2 w + 2 P w))  *)