d3.js: Align text labels between ticks on the axis

I ended up with one of the Lars Kotthoff's advices.

Every time when I call(axis) I also adjust text labels.
Here is simplified code:

function renderAxis() {
        .call(axis)                  // draw the standart d3 axis
        .call(adjustTextLabels);     // adjusts text labels on the axis 

function adjustTextLabels(selection) {
    selection.selectAll('.major text')
        .attr('transform', 'translate(' + daysToPixels(1) / 2 + ',0)');

// calculate the width of the days in the timeScale
function daysToPixels(days, timeScale) {
    var d1 = new Date();
    timeScale || (timeScale = Global.timeScale);
    return timeScale(d3.time.day.offset(d1, days)) - timeScale(d1);

BTW, here is a calendar demo with I ended up: http://bl.ocks.org/oluckyman/6199145

enter image description here

There is no easy (i.e. built-in) way of doing this, but you can still achieve it. There are a few options. The most straightforward one is probably to use the tickFormat function to specify a format with a suitable number of spaces in front/after the numbers. This would need to be hand-tuned for each application though.

Alternatively, you could select the label elements after they have been drawn and add a suitable transform attribute that shifts them accordingly. Again, this would have to be hand-tuned.

Your third option is to have two different axes, one for the ticks and one for the labels. The idea is that the axis that provides the ticks has no labels and the other one no ticks. You would need to set the tick values appropriately, but at least you wouldn't have to guess the right offset.