Customize Smartdiagram

The package does accept rotate and so on options, but the orientation of this diagram is entirely due to the node anchors. It is straightforward to modify them.

\begingroup%make modifications local
\tikzset{description title/.append style={anchor=west},
 description/.append style={anchor=east},
 every shadow/.append style={shadow xshift=-0.5ex}}
    \smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{
        {XYZ,LOREM IPSUM},

enter image description here

Seems it is Tikz-based but the package do not accept rotate or xscale=-1 keys as an option.

I succeed it with \reflectbox{}.


    \smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{
        {XYZ,LOREM IPSUM},

    \reflectbox{\smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{
        {\reflectbox{XYZ},\reflectbox{LOREM IPSUM}},

Output : enter image description here

