How to remove the empty page that is placed after the ToC, List of figures and List of tables

In your code are several issues:

  1. You loaded a lot of packages not related to this issue. I deleted them in the following mwe.
  2. Commands like \tableofcontents and \chapter uses command \cleardoublepage internally. To get rid of that one possibility is to localy redefine cleardoublepage. See the following code snippet to do that (please see that I included the first chapter!):

    {\tableofcontents % <===================================================
    \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage % <======================================
    \chapter{Introduction}} % <=============================================
  3. In your table of contents you get bad numbered sections (because an first chapter is missing!) 0.1 Intro 1. To get rid of that use \section*{} instead \section{} ...

Please see the following mwe









\section*{intro 1} % <==================================================

\section*{intro 2} % <==================================================

{\tableofcontents % <===================================================
\let\cleardoublepage\clearpage % <======================================
\chapter{Introduction}} % <=============================================
\subsection{Something 2}

and its result:

resulting toc


resulting lof lot


resulting chapter one

You can switch between openany and openright by setting a boolean:

\graphicspath{ {figures/} }






\section{intro 1}

\section {intro 2}

\makeatletter\@openrightfalse\makeatother %<-- openany
\makeatletter\@openrighttrue\makeatother  %<-- openright


\subsection{Something 2}
