CSS is not loading on the frontend in Magento

If you haven't resolved your issue, open you website -> right click and select view page source or just press CNTRL+U Keys together. There you'll find your styles.css file. Check if it is showing the right url. Click on it, see if it is loading ok.

It should look like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.abcd.com/skin/frontend/rwd/default/css/styles.css" media="all" />

For this problem to happen, There are three reasons I know of:

1.) There might be an issue because of System Cache. Clean the cache from the backend or go to magentoroot/var/ and delete the contents of the cache and session folder.

2.) There can be issue with the file permission of your css File. In this case just type the following command in terminal, sudo chmod 777 -R /magentoroot/

3.) Lastly, there could be something wrong with the url in your core_config_data table of your database, which I think you have already checked.

Have you made any recent changes to your database ?

login to your database: find the table named 'core_config_data'

there check the entries against Value:

where path = web/unsecure/base_url and path = web/secure/base_url

see if '/' is missing after the url if yes then put it there.