How to bind an action after customer login success using Magento?

On the Mage_Customer_Model_Session model's method setCustomerAsLoggedIn() an event customer_login is being dispatched. I guess you need to hook in on that event. You could do this as follows.

Add the event to your module's config.xml file (app/code/local/Lpf/ModuleCookie/etc/config.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Now create a model Lpf_ModuleCookie_Model_Observer (app/code/local/Lpf/ModuleCookie/Model/Observer.php). Add a customerLogin() method to the class:

class Lpf_ModuleCookie_Model_Observer

      * Run couple of 'php' codes after customer logs in
      * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
     public function customerLogin($observer)
         Mage::log(__METHOD__ . '() Hello!'); // Remove afterwards. Check your var/log/system.log to see if came to this point
         $customer = $observer->getCustomer();
         // "run couple of 'php' codes"
