Creating a new storyboard in Xcode and making it the main one (black screen in simulator)

You need to make the following things to get it to work:

1. Create a new file

Add file

2. Select, name and save the Storyboard file


3. Select the file in the Deployment Info

deployment info

4. Drag a view controller into the file and select it as initial view controller (look at the inspector on the right)

view controller

Let Me come up with a better solution

Method 1

if you have deleted the story board as remove refrence like this

enter image description here

don't worry about anything your storyboard is still safe.

inside your project suppose you have your project saved on desktop as project1 go to project1 then you'll see a couple of folders find a folder named project1

Open it and you'll see some file's like this

enter image description here

all you have to do is go to Base.ipoj folder and if you find these files

enter image description here

either you can drag the file to your project or you can add them by this way.

enter image description here

browse your file For example desktop/project1/project1/Base.Iproj/Main.Storyboard

enter image description here

click on Add button and you'll have your Storyboard file.

and if you deleted the file by selecting "Move to trash" You can look up into trash copy your file to another folder and add the file as mentioned in the above steps.

Method 2

if you want to add a new Storyboard just do :-

enter image description here

enter image description here

click on Next and save it and You'll have your new Storyboard.

Add new storyboard(New File..User Interface) ,then go to project's target ,then in (Main Interface) field add your storyboard name .


