Angular 2 component without selector tag in DOM

To answer your question, you can also do this...

  selector: '[my-component]'...

<my-component *ngIf="..."</my-component>

// becomes this in the dom

<div my-component _nghost...>

There is also ng-container for this purpose.

<ng-container *ngIf="">
  <div class="here">

// DOM: => <div class="here">Hello</div>

Use equivalent expanded *ngIf notation with template tag:

<template [ngIf]="check">
  <div>div 1...</div>
  <div>div 2...</div>
  <div>div 3...</div>  

You can solve this by using CSS only, just set my-component as display: contents,

    my-component {
        display: contents;

As stated on display: contents documentation, this causes to appear as if the component were direct children of the element's parent.