Creating a DSL expressions parser / rules engine

I don't know if you use Golang or not, but if you use it, I recommend this

I have used it for parsing bot strategy that (stock options bot). This is from my test unit:

func TestPattern(t *testing.T) {
    a := "pattern('asdas asd 12dasd') && lastdigit(23asd) < sma(50) && sma(14) > sma(12) && ( macd(5,20) > macd_signal(12,26,9) || macd(5,20) <= macd_histogram(12,26,9) )"

    r, _ := regexp.Compile(`(\w+)(\s+)?[(]['\d.,\s\w]+[)]`)
    indicator := r.FindAllString(a, -1)
    t.Logf("%v\n", indicator)
    t.Logf("%v\n", len(indicator))

    for _, i := range indicator {
        t.Logf("%v\n", i)
        if strings.HasPrefix(i, "pattern") {
            r, _ = regexp.Compile(`pattern(\s+)?\('(.+)'\)`)
            check1 := r.ReplaceAllString(i, "$2")
            t.Logf("%v\n", check1)
            r, _ = regexp.Compile(`[^du]`)
            check2 := r.FindAllString(check1, -1)
            t.Logf("%v\n", len(check2))
        } else if strings.HasPrefix(i, "lastdigit") {
            r, _ = regexp.Compile(`lastdigit(\s+)?\((.+)\)`)
            args := r.ReplaceAllString(i, "$2")
            r, _ = regexp.Compile(`[^\d]`)
            parameter := r.FindAllString(args, -1)
            t.Logf("%v\n", parameter)
        } else {


Combine it with regex and you have good (if not great, string translator).

And for Java, I personally use but not for production. It has similar feature with above link.

It supports many condition and you don't have to worry about Parentheses and Brackets.

Assignment  =
Operators   + - * / DIV MOD % ^ 
Logical     < <= == != >= > AND OR NOT
Ternary     ? :  
Shift       << >>
Property    ${<id>}
DataSource  @<id>
Constants   NULL PI
            NOW PRECISION

Hope it helps.

You might be surprised to see how far you can get with a syntax parser and 50 lines of code!

Check this out. The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) on the right represents the code on the left in nice data structures. You can use these data structures to write your own simple interpreter.

I wrote a little example of one:

Open up the console (button in the bottom), and you'll see the result of the expression!

This example can only handle (||) and (>), but looking at the code (line 24), you can see how you could make it support any other JS operator. Just add a case to the branch, evaluate the sides, and do the calculation on JS.

Parenthesis and operator precedence are all handled by the parser for you.

I'm not sure if this is the solution for you, but it will for sure be fun ;)