Creating a Crossed Square

VBA Excel, 168 bytes


I find Excel with the help of VBA is an effective and a sufficient tool for this challenge. Set the worksheet of Excel like following

enter image description here

Yes, we use the small, classic square-shaped pixels like the old times by using the cells in a worksheet as the pixels. Ha-ha...

Here I use cell A1 as the input and I change its font color to red. Why red? Because red is three-letter-color so it fits for golfing. Write and run the following code in the Immediate Window:

N=[A1]:Range("A1",Cells(N,N)).Interior.Color=vbRed:Range("B2",Cells(N-1,N-1)).Clear:For i=1To N:Cells(i,i).Interior.Color=vbRed:Cells(i,N+1-i).Interior.Color=vbRed:Next

Ungolfed the code:

Sub A()
    N = [A1]
    Range("A1", Cells(N, N)).Interior.Color = vbRed
    Range("B2", Cells(N - 1, N - 1)).Clear
    For i = 1 To N
        Cells(i, i).Interior.Color = vbRed
        Cells(i, N + 1 - i).Interior.Color = vbRed
End Sub

Step-by-step Explanation:

N = [A1]: Range("A1", Cells(N, N)).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

Range("B2", Cells(N - 1, N - 1)).Clear

enter image description here

Looping through the diagonal of range cells: Cells(i, i).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

Final step and output: Cells(i, N + 1 - i).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

MATL, 20 19 17 bytes


You can try it experimentally in MATL online. You may need to refresh the page if it doesn't work.

Sample run:

enter image description here

ASCII version: 19 bytes


Try it online!

JavaScript (ES6), 96 bytes

n=>[...Array(n--)].map((_,i,a)=>,j)=>i&&j&&n-i&&n-j&&i-j&&n-i-j?' ':'*').join``).join`
<input type=number min=1 step=2 oninput=  o.textContent=f(this.value)><pre id=o>