Together Everyone Achieves More

Brachylog, 145 bytes

p~c[A:B:C],Bl1,A:CcP@pz:cahgB,P:1a~@nw|lL,?:laot:" "rjg:Ljb:sa:?z:cap~c[A:B:C],Bl1,A:Cc@pz:caZ:LmgB,Zl-yM,Z:M:Lz:2az:ca~@nw

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JavaScript (ES6), 255 263 269 286

Edit 17 bytes saved as arbitrary number of leading spaces is allowed
Edit2 some shuffling, 6 byte saved
Edit3 return a list of string instead of a single string with newlines (OP comment to feersum's answer), 8 more bytes saved

For each word in the input list, I use a recursive DFS to find all possibile mesostics/acrostics. Each one is stored as an array with word and target letter position inside the word. Every result found is saved in global result array at position 1 (if it's an acrostic) or 0 if it's a mesostic.

After the complete scan for all words, I get the result at last position in array and build and return its ascii art rapresentation.

l=>(,i)=>(r=(p,v,i,a)=>(l[i]='.',w[p]?,i)=>~([p]))&&r(p+1,v,i,a|j,m[p]=[j,v])):l[p+1]?0:s[+!a]=[...m],l[i]=v))(0,w,i,m=[]),s=[]),m=s.pop(),[j,v])=>' '.repeat((l+0).length-j)+v.slice(0,j)+v[j].toUpperCase()+v.slice(j+1)))

Less golfed

    // r: recursive DFS function
    // defined here as it uses local w variable
    (r = (p,v,i,a) => (
     l[i] = '.'
     , w[p] 
       (v,i) => ~([p])) && 
                r(p+1, v, i, a|j, m[p] = [j,v])
     : l[p+1] ? 0 // invalid if there are still unused words
              : s[+!a]=[...m] // a is 0 if acrostic
     , l[i] = v) 
    )(0, w, i, m=[])
  , s=[]),
  m = s.pop(), // get last result
  //[j]) => o = o<j ? j : o, o=0), // find offset for alignment
  // no need to find the optimal offset as leading blanks are allowed[j,v]) => ' '.repeat((l+0).length-j) 
                   + v.slice(0,j) 
                   + v[j].toUpperCase()
                   + v.slice(j+1)


f=l=>(,i)=>(r=(p,v,i,a)=>(l[i]='.',w[p]?,i)=>~([p]))&&r(p+1,v,i,a|j,m[p]=[j,v])):l[p+1]?0:s[+!a]=[...m],l[i]=v))(0,w,i,m=[]),s=[]),m=s.pop(),[j,v])=>' '.repeat((l+0).length-j)+v.slice(0,j)+v[j].toUpperCase()+v.slice(j+1)))


 ['together', 'team', 'everyone', 'achieves', 'more']
,['aaa', 'aaa', 'aaa', 'aaa']
,['aaa', 'aaa', 'aab', 'baa']
,['live', 'every', 'love', 'very', 'ohio']
,['cow', 'of', 'fox']
,['late', 'ballroom', 'anvil', 'to', 'head']
<pre id=O></pre>

Mathematica 10.0, 139 bytes

An unnamed function returning a list of lines:

Sort[{q=Max[p=Min/@Position@@@({z={##2},#})],Array[" "&,q-#2]<>ToUpperCase~MapAt~##&@@@({z,p})}&@@@Permutations@Characters@#][[1,2]]&

Example usage:

In[144]:= f = Sort[{q=Max[p=Min/@Position@@@({z={##2},#})],Array[" "&,q-#2]ToUpperCase~MapAt~##&@@@({z,p})}&@@@Permutations@Characters@#][[1,2]]&;

In[145]:= f @ {"late","ballroom","anvil","to","head"} // Column

 ... several pages of warnings ... 

Out[145]= baLlroom

I'm looking for suggestions on better ways to do the capitalization. I found a very nice function MapAt for capitalizing the letter in the string.