Create src/test/resources in Maven Netbeans 8.x with no manual intervention

To create new source folder,

  1. Right click on maven project --->Click on Build Path ----->Click on New Source Folder
  2. New source folder window will open, give the name to your folder example - src/test/source
  3. click on Finish

Use the new file wizard to create a new folder.

  1. Right click the parent node of the project and choose "New > Folder..." or choose "File > New File > Other > Folder"
  2. Name the folder src/test/java with a parent folder left blank.
  3. Click finish and the Test Packages folder will appear.
  4. Repeat for src/test/resources
  5. It seems a bug prevents the Other Test Sources from being recognised immediately, thus you must reload the pom by right clicking the project > Reload POM.