Scalastyle "Public method must have explicit type" in Play Framework

Any suggestions on a good solution for this? Or do we just have to turn of this check for Play projects?

I'd suggest to either turn org.scalastyle.scalariform.PublicMethodsHaveTypeChecker rule off completely for your project or mark your controllers to be ignored by this rule (here you'll find info on how to do this).

In the end this check benefit more to people who write libraries (as it helps to be more explicit about api one provide). I found that when you're working on "real" projects check like this does nothing but adding some boilerplate and stops you from leveraging type inference.

enter image description here I hope this helps. To to Settings -> Editor -> Scala -> Type Annotations. Change the value to 'Add' instead of 'Add & Check' for Public value and method. Then it IDE will not show that warning anymore.