Counting items in itemize or enumerate environments

itemize does not use a counter (with \refstepcounter)) -- The \label is useless then (and if it should be used, it must after the last item, not before the first one.

I've patched the itemize environment a little bit and added a new counter, that is reset and stepped each time \item is used.

Use \getrefnumber{...} from the refcount package to get an expandable number.







Here are the \numitems{mylist} points I wanted to address:
    \item important issue;
    \item another important issue;
    \item oh, and yet another critical thing. \label{mylist}

Here are the \numitems{otherlist} points I wanted to address:
    \item important issue;
    \item another important issue;
    \item almost forgotten stuff;
    \item oh, and yet another critical thing. \label{otherlist}


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