Referencing a quote environment

See below for Alternate Appearance. See ADDENDUM for version that uses aux file to allow future referencing

As Christian noted in a comment, a quote has no counter (and thus no identifying label). However, we could introduce one to the lquote environment, which requires a label as the argument, reference-able by \quoteref.

The implementation given below can be altered to suit the needs for quotation marks, numbering scheme and appearance, etc.

Compare this quote
to this one
In quotation \quoteref{quote:one}, we see a difference from quote \quoteref{quote:two}.

enter image description here

Alternate Appearance

  \quote Quote \thenumquote: ``\ignorespaces}{\unskip''\endquote}
Compare this quote
to this one
In quotation \quoteref{quote:one}, we see a difference from quote \quoteref{quote:two}.

enter image description here


It seemed from the OP's comment that he may be using the \quoteref prior to the label definition in the lquote environment. To account for that, I have in this addendum implemented a system of writing out to the aux file to make the labels available even before they are defined.

\long\def \protected@iwrite#1#2#3{%
    \nex\csname #1%
  \quote Quote \thenumquote: ``\ignorespaces}{\unskip''\endquote}
In the future quotation \quoteref{quote:one}, 
  we see a difference from quote \quoteref{quote:two}.

Compare this quote
to this one
In quotation \quoteref{quote:one}, we see a difference from quote \quoteref{quote:two}.


enter image description here

Note: the \protected@iwrite macro came from egreg's answer at Writing \\ to a File.