Converting identifier naming between camelCase and underscores during JSON serialization/deserialization

One way to do it using regular expressions,

import re

camel_pat = re.compile(r'([A-Z])')
under_pat = re.compile(r'_([a-z])')

def camel_to_underscore(name):
    return camel_pat.sub(lambda x: '_' +, name)

def underscore_to_camel(name):
    return under_pat.sub(lambda x:, name)


>>> camel_to_underscore('camelCaseNames')
>>> underscore_to_camel('names_with_underscores')

Note: You have to use a function (lambda expression here) for accomplishing the case change but that seems pretty straightforward.


If you truly wanted to intercept and adjust json objects between Python and Javascript you would have to rewrite functionality of the json module. But I think that is much more trouble than it's worth. Instead something like this would be equivalent and not be too much of a hit performance-wise.

To convert each key in a dict representing your json object, you can do something like this,

def convert_json(d, convert):
    new_d = {}
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        new_d[convert(k)] = convert_json(v,convert) if isinstance(v,dict) else v
    return new_d

You only need to provide which function to apply,

>>> json_obj = {'nomNom': {'fooNom': 2, 'camelFoo': 3}, 'camelCase': {'caseFoo': 4, 'barBar': {'fooFoo': 44}}}
>>> convert_json(json_obj, camel_to_underscore)
{'nom_nom': {'foo_nom': 2, 'camel_foo': 3}, 'camel_case': {'case_foo': 4, 'bar_bar': {'foo_foo': 44}}}

You can wrap all of this logic in new load and dump functions,

import json

def convert_load(*args, **kwargs):
    json_obj = json.load(*args, **kwargs)
    return convert_json(json_obj, camel_to_underscore)

def convert_dump(*args, **kwargs):
    args = (convert_json(args[0], underscore_to_camel),) + args[1:]
    json.dump(*args, **kwargs)

And use then just as you would json.load and json.dump.

Jared's answer does not take into account the possibility of arrays with objects in a json object structure.

The solution requires three functions to recursively handle the arrays.

For converting from CamelCase to underscores_with_spaces:

def convert(s):
    a = re.compile('((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))')
    return a.sub(r'_\1', s).lower()

For the json object

def convertJSON(j):
    out = {}
    for k in j:
        newK = convert(k)
        if isinstance(j[k],dict):
            out[newK] = convertJSON(j[k])
        elif isinstance(j[k],list):
            out[newK] = convertArray(j[k])
            out[newK] = j[k]
    return out

For arrays within the json object:

def convertArray(a):
    newArr = []
    for i in a:
        if isinstance(i,list):
        elif isinstance(i, dict):
    return newArr


    "someObject": [
            "anotherObject": "CamelCaseValue"
            "anotherObject": "AnotherCamelCaseValue"


    'some_object': [
            'another_object': 'CamelCaseValue'
            'another_object': 'AnotherCamelCaseValue'

For future googlers, the humps package can do this for you.

import humps
humps.decamelize({'outerKey': {'innerKey': 'value'}})
# {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'value'}}


