Criteria JPA 2 with 3 tables

Each join takes you from the leftish type parameter to the rightish one. So, the details join of my code (second line) starts from fromUpdates, that is a Path<Update>, and creates something which is behind the scenes also a Path<Detail>. From that, you can build other joins. Try this (code not tested):

Root<Update> fromUpdates = query.from(Update.class);
Join<Update, Detail> details = fromUpdates.join("details");
Join<Detail, Associate> associate = details.join("associate");
List<Predicate> conditions = new ArrayList();
conditions.add(builder.equal(associate.get("associateId"), associateId));

TypedQuery<Update> typedQuery = em.createQuery(query
        .where(conditions.toArray(new Predicate[] {}))

For three tables involved.

CriteriaBuilder builder = theEntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery query1 = builder.createQuery(BasicMemberInfo.class);

    Root<Table1> table1 = query1.from(Table1.class); 
    Root<Table2> table2 = query1.from(Table2.class);
    Root<Table3> table3 = query1.from(Table3.class);

   List<Predicate> conditions = new ArrayList();
    conditions.add(builder.equal(table3.get("Table1").get("memberId"), table1.get("memberId")));
    conditions.add(builder.equal(table2.get("tableid").get("memberId"), table1.get("memberId")));
    conditions.add(builder.equal(table2.get("indicator"), 'Y'));
    conditions.add(builder.equal(table3.get("StatusCd"), "YES"));

    TypedQuery<BasicCustInfo> typedQuery = theEntityManager.createQuery(
            query1.multiselect(table1.get("memberId"), table2.get("AcctId"))
            .where(conditions.toArray(new Predicate[] {}))

    List<BasicMemberInfo> custList = typedQuery.getResultList();

public class BasicMemberInfo {

String memberId;
String AcctId;

public BasicCustInfo() {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public BasicMemberInfo( BigDecimal memberId,String AcctId ) {
    this.memberId = memberId;
    this.AcctId = AcctId;

public BigDecimal getmemberId() {
    return memberId;
public void setmemberId(BigDecimal memberId) {
    memberId = memberId;
public String getAcctId() {
    return AcctId;
public void setAcctId(String AcctId) {
    AcctId = AcctId;
