Converting bigint to timestamp in presto

Have you tried to use functions like from_unixtime? You could use it to convert unix time to timestamp, then you could use date_format to display it in way you want. Notice that in your example your unix time is with microseconds, so you might want to convert it first to milliseconds.

I have not tested that but I am assuming that your code should look like:

date_format(from_unixtime(col2/1000), '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')

Notice that from_unixtime accepts also a time zone.

Please visit this page to see the more details about date related functions:

I believe the denominator should be 1000000 not 1000. Probably a typo. Anyways juts adding the test results here for others reference.

-- Microseconds

select date_format(from_unixtime(cast('1519778444938790' as bigint)/1000000), '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s');

2018-02-28 12:40:44