How are you supposed to create Winston logger stream for Morgan in TypeScript

stream is expected to be factory function that returns a a stream, not a stream itself.

A stream is expected to be a real readable stream, not an object that mimics it.

Since it is supposed to be writable as well, it should be a duplex: = (options?: any) => new stream.Duplex({
    write: function (message: string, encoding: any) {;

This is a solution that is suggested by Winston TS types. I cannot confirm if it works correctly.

Ultimately I ended up with this as a solution. I created a class with one method called write

export class LoggerStream {
    write(message: string) {, message.lastIndexOf('\n')));

then when adding to express I created an instance of the class:

 app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: new LoggerStream() }));

This works well for my situation

Thanks to @estus who got me past where I was hung up. Here is the solution I ended up using:

import { Logger, transports } from 'winston';
import stream from 'stream';
import split from 'split';


const logger = new Logger({
    transports: [
        new (transports.Console)({
            level: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'debug',
            handleExceptions: true,
            json: false,
            colorize: true
        new (transports.File)({
            filename: 'debug.log', level: 'info',
            handleExceptions: true,
            json: true,
            colorize: false
    exitOnError: false,

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    logger.debug('Logging initialized at debug level');
} = split().on('data', function (message: string) {;

export default logger;

Ultimately this issue got me to the final solution -