Connected nodes overlapping other edges or nodes

I managed to get it working by using the configure option:

configure: {
        enabled: true,
        showButton: true

This shows you a modal to configure all the options until the graph looks nice.

In my case with hierarchical view, I had to disable physics and set the layout like this:

layout: {
  hierarchical: {
    enabled: true,
    nodeSpacing: 425,
    blockShifting: false,
    edgeMinimization: false,
    sortMethod: "directed"

There is an attribute avoidOverlap=[0,1] in some physics like BarnesHut

You can try it here at the bottom under physics

like adding this attribute into your physics option

var options = {
 ... "physics": {
    "barnesHut": {
      "avoidOverlap": 1