ConfigParser VS SafeConfigParser in python 2.7

The SafeConfigParser implements a different set(section, option, value) method which will raise a NoSectionError if the section does not exists, and a TypeError if value is not a string.

This allows more control over the behaviour of the parser, an example from documentation:

    config.set(section2, option, config.get(section1, option, 1))
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
    # Create non-existent section
    opt_move(config, section1, section2, option)
    config.remove_option(section1, option)

From documentation: It also support interpolation. This means values can contain format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section. Additional defaults can be provided on initialization.


I just checked the source code of the SafeConfigParser, and even if it is true that ConfigParser also allows interpolation, SafeConfigParser provides an updated version of it that documentation describes as a more-sane and more predictable variant of the magical interpolation feature.

For example, it will raise an InterpolationSyntaxError in the event of a bad reference or a syntax error after a '%' character.

Update 2

That could be useful to precise that the SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. If you wonder which of the SafeConfigParser or the ConfigParser you should use in python 2.7, use the first (unless you have a very specific reason to use the second)

You could also make easier your future transition to python 3+, (which should happen soon) by doing:

from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser

SafeConfigParser is...

Derived class of ConfigParser that implements a more-sane variant of the magical interpolation feature. This implementation is more predictable as well. New applications should prefer this version if they don’t need to be compatible with older versions of Python.

I think SafeConfigParser does not seem to consider Python version compatibility. ConfigParser also exists in Python 3 version, but SafeConfigParser does not exist. Exactly, SafeConfigParser is renamed ConfigParser and ConfigParser is removed in 3.2. See this question.

So I think differences between ConfigParser and SafeConfigParser are usability and version compatibility.


SafeConfigParser is just safer than ConfigParser. That's not to say that ConfigParser isn't safe. I tried to figure out what was safer. It supports more-sane variant of the magical interpolation and it is more stricter than ConfigParser.

So why SafeConfigParser is safe?

The answer is SafeConfigParser is more strict. Example of strict is in @olinox14 answer.

The fact that SafeConfigParser has become the default ConfigParser in Python 3 doesn't necessarily mean you need to separate them.

Ultimately, SafeConfigParser is more strict. And it is recommended to use SafeConfigParser.