Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3

Currently Bootstrap 3.x does not support jQuery 3.x as reported here:

The issue is caused by:

jQuery 3 is more strict than jQuery 2. It's like XHTML and HTML. Backward compatibility is preserved and code doesn't look like a mess. If I'm not mistaken, all you need to do is replace show() and hide() functions with .css('display', '') or addClass('hidden') and fix a selector in alert.js (QUnit fails on this line because $('#') is invalid in jQuery 3)

It is fixed in the Bootstrap 3.3.7 release:

Latest current version of Bootstrap (3.3.7) now supports jQuery 3+, as per developer's comment here

If you use Bower to manage your javascript packages, to exclude jquery 3.0 you should specify the version of jquery like:

"jquery": "^2.2"

in your bower.json.

The bower.json of jquery-ui package has a following line:

"jquery": ">=1.6"

Because of it Bower installs the latest version of jQuery, which causes your problem.

Note that jQuery 3.0 is released as of June 9, 2016.