Compiler support for upcoming C++0x

The Apache Standard C++ Library project maintains a wiki page of major compilers' C++0x support.

Here are links to the vendors' pages describing their C++0x support:

  • GCC
  • CodeGear C++Builder 2009
  • Intel C++ Compiler
  • Visual C++ 2009 and 2010 - see here, here, or here
  • Comeau C++

I'm afraid gcc is probably the best you're going to get at this stage.

There's a list of features and supported compilers here:

The only compiler that has an implementation of concepts is conceptgcc (and even that is incomplete - but it is good enough to get a good feel for the feature).
Visual C++ 2010 Beta has some useful C++0x support - you can play with lambdas, rvalue references, auto, decltype.
Comeau C++ or the EDG based compilers are surprisingly not as advanced I would have expected them to be in their implementation of C++0x.
GCC 4.4 (variadic templates, initializer lists, inline namespaces, autor, decltype) probably has the most features implemented out of any of the other compilers, but is lagging in concepts and lambdas (separate branch development is ongoing).


