Will bit-shift by zero bits work correctly?

According to K&R "The result is undefined if the right operand is negative, or greater than or equal to the number of bits in the left expression's type." (A.7.8) Therefore >> 0 is the identity right shift and perfectly legal.

It is certain that at least one C++ compiler will recognize the situation (when the 0 is known at compile time) and make it a no-op:


inline int shift( int what, int bitcount)
  return what >> bitcount ;

int f() {
  return shift(42,0);

Compiler switches

icpc -S -O3 -mssse3 -fp-model fast=2 bitsh.C

Intel C++ 11.0 assembly

# -- Begin  _Z1fv
# mark_begin;
       .align    16,0x90
        .globl _Z1fv
..B1.1:                         # Preds ..B1.0
        movl      $42, %eax                                     #7.10
        ret                                                     #7.10
        .align    16,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
        .type   _Z1fv,@function
        .size   _Z1fv,.-_Z1fv
# -- End  _Z1fv
        .section .note.GNU-stack, ""
# End

As you can see at ..B1.1, Intel compiles "return shift(42,0)" to "return 42."

Intel 11 also culls the shift for these two variations:

int g() {
  int a = 5;
  int b = 5;
  return shift(42,a-b);

int h(int k) {
  return shift(42,k*0);

For the case when the shift value is unknowable at compile time ...

int egad(int m, int n) {
  return shift(42,m-n);

... the shift cannot be avoided ...

# -- Begin  _Z4egadii
# mark_begin;
       .align    16,0x90
        .globl _Z4egadii
# parameter 1: 4 + %esp
# parameter 2: 8 + %esp
..B1.1:                         # Preds ..B1.0
        movl      4(%esp), %ecx                                 #20.5
        subl      8(%esp), %ecx                                 #21.21
        movl      $42, %eax                                     #21.10
        shrl      %cl, %eax                                     #21.10
        ret                                                     #21.10
        .align    16,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;

... but at least it's inlined so there's no call overhead.

Bonus assembly: volatile is expensive. The source ...

int g() {
  int a = 5;
  volatile int b = 5;
  return shift(42,a-b);

... instead of a no-op, compiles to ...

..B3.1:                         # Preds ..B3.0
        pushl     %esi                                          #10.9
        movl      $5, (%esp)                                    #12.18
        movl      (%esp), %ecx                                  #13.21
        negl      %ecx                                          #13.21
        addl      $5, %ecx                                      #13.21
        movl      $42, %eax                                     #13.10
        shrl      %cl, %eax                                     #13.10
        popl      %ecx                                          #13.10
        ret                                                     #13.10
        .align    16,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;

... so if you're working on a machine where values you push on the stack might not be the same when you pop them, well, this missed optimization is likely the least of your troubles.