Comparing typographic traditions for different languages

If you are using biblatex with biber as back-end for citations, csquotes for quotations, and babel for language support, you are half way to your goal. :-)

If you are typesetting units, siunitx will help you to the correct notation (see also the web page of Bureau International des Poids et Messures). However, the SI-notation is not always ‘correct’ typography.

For the details regarding specific language, I suggest that you ask questions, for example on

I can give some references to Norwegian typography, but since the articles and web pages are in Norwegian, I assume they will be of use for only a limited audience. For general typography, see for example the web pages and Typografi i Norge. Very interesting is the link to fourteen (14) articles by the Norwegian typographer Sven Erik Skarsbø. The articles are in full text (.PDF-files in Norwegian), and answer most of your questions regarding Norwegian language and Norwegian typography.

The text book used at typographical schools in Norway, Øyvin Rannem: Bokstav, bilde, budskap : lærebok i typografi, is available online free for non-commercial use at the University Library, provided you have a Norwegian IP address.

This book is one they are using at the education institute for typographers and graphic designers:

  address = {Oslo}, 
  title = {Bokstav, bilde, budskap : lærebok i typografi}, 
  isbn = {978-82-00-35138-2}, 
  publisher = {Universitetsforl.}, 
  author = {Rannem, Øyvin}, 
  year = {1988}, 
  keywords = {} 

In French, try, which includes a section comparing English typography. For more on French typography, see Also check the collections of links at and, of course, the many treasures at

In Germany we have many rules which are written down in a standard called DIN (deutsche Industrie Norm - german industry standard ). Those rules are typographic rules in some way while not necessarily developed by typographers.

There is a standard about citations: DIN 1505-2 Wikipedia (german)

It says basically : Name1, Prename1[ ; Name2, Prename2 ; ...]: Title : Subtitle. [Volume ]Place: Publisher, Year.[ - ISBN #####][ p. #-#]

Another rule defines Symbols: DIN 1302 Wikipedia (german) or formular symbols (this is compatible to SI) DIN 1338 . I could link many more cause we have standards for every situation ;)

The international equivalent is ISO 80000 which defines also typographic rules for typesetting units etc.

Another good source for information about unit typesetting is btw the siunitx documentation.