How do I change the text color for a part of an equation after a pause in beamer?

You can use the \only overlay specification:

  \item item 1 here
  \item item 2 here
          \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}= \only<4>{\textcolor{red}{u(n,t)}u(n+1,t)}\only<5>{u(n,t)\textcolor{red}{u(n+1,t)}} -u(n,t)u(n-1,t)

And here are the fourth and fifth slides showing the relevant equation:

enter image description here

I know this is an old question, but the following is a bit more straightforward than the other answer provide (IMO).

Just add an overlay specification to the \textcolor command:

  \item<2-> item 1 here
  \item<3-> item 2 here
          \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}= \textcolor<3>{red}{u(n,t)}\textcolor<4>{red}{u(n+1,t)} -u(n,t)u(n-1,t)

