Compare smaller vector to bigger to check if it differs at the end of smaller

You only need one call of std::equal if you calculate the smaller size beforehand. I would refactor the code like this:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
    std::vector<int> a(1000, 3);
    std::vector<int> a1(100, 3);

    if (std::equal(a1.begin(), a1.begin() + std::min(a.size(), a1.size()), a.begin())) 
        std::cout << "Same" << std::endl;
    return 0;

If you need to preserve the second information about which vector is bigger, you could achieve it like this, for instance:

std::cout << "Same " << ((a.size() == a1.size())? "a = a1" : ((a.size() > a1.size())? "a gt a1" : "a1 gt a")) << std::endl;

Since C++14, you can use std::mismatch and check the pair of iterators returned against the end of each range:

auto it = std::mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), a1.begin(), a1.end());
if (it.first == a.end() || it.second == a1.end()) {
    // Equality

You also get to know where the elements start to differ, and if they don't, at which point the bigger vector is bigger (the start of the subrange you don't want to compare).