React Hooks issues in React 16.7 TypeError: Object(...) is not a function


Hooks are now release as part of React v16.8.0. You can use hooks by upgrading your react version

See the docs for more details on the APIs

React 16.7.0 Doesn't contain hooks.

As per the React blog

Our latest release includes an important performance bugfix for React.lazy. Although there are no API changes, we’re releasing it as a minor instead of a patch.

In order to run hooks in your code, refer How to use new Feature Hooks in React?

I tried to use the following in package.json but do not work.

"react": "16.7.0-alpha.2",
"react-dom": "16.7.0-alpha.2",

What worked is the following

"react": "next",
"react-dom": "next",


React version v16.8.0 has Hooks inside. Use that.