colortbl and amsmath conflict

This is groping in the dark a bit, because I couldn't find anything significant by tracing, but then these alignment constructs are so fragile it really goes over my head.

By staring hard at the colortbl code, I cooked up the following patch. Please try the modified MWE:


%%%%%%%%%% HERE COMES THE PATCH %%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%% END PATCH %%%%%%%%%%


    Correct & Incorrect\\
    } &


I don't know whether this has any averse effects on the colortblness of the outer tabular though. Please test.

I am not sure what the actual source of the problem is, but one way to work around this problem is to just use aligned instead:

enter image description here


  • As egreg pointed out, using a \parbox is no longer necessary when using the aligned environment.
  • I would not recommend using an = when things are not equal as is the case for the incorrect column. I have not made that change here as then you need to decide what to do with the following equal.



Correct & Incorrect\\