In biblatex, make title sentence case but not journal name

The original definition of the bibmacro used to print the journal information is


Thus the instruction \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{titlecase}{\MakeSentenceCase*{#1}} impact the journal title as well. The solution is to modify the definition of the journal bib macro


where we can define a myplain field format that just produce an unformatted value.


enter image description here

If you are trying to get the IEEE style you may want to use the following settings (details):

bibstyle=ieee,% IEEE citation style
citestyle=numeric-comp,% citing multiple papers will produce format similar to [2,4-8,12] instead of [2,4,5,6,7,8,12] (optional) 
maxnames=100,% show up to 100 authors per author in the bibliography (optional)
isbn=false,url=false,doi=false% remove extra info (optional)
] {biblatex}

It will produce the intended results but it might modify other things too.