Check if an array is descending, ascending or not sorted?

Array.prototype.every passes its predicate an index, which you can use to get an element’s predecessor:

function isAscending(arr) {
    return arr.every(function (x, i) {
        return i === 0 || x >= arr[i - 1];

Here, we’re checking that every item (x) is greater than or equal to the item before it (arr[i - 1]) or has no item before it (i === 0).

Flip >= to <= for isDescending.

This is a question that requires some sort of loop, with several if statements because there are several cases you need to tackle:

  1. Array is empty or has only one element.
  2. All items in the array are equal
  3. Array is ascending - delta between 2 elements > 0, but some deltas may be 0
  4. Array is descending - delta between 2 elements < 0, but some deltas may be 0
  5. Not sorted - some deltas are > 0, and some are < 0

Depending on how the sorted is defined in the question, cases 1 & 2 might be regarded as unsorted as well.

function findSortOrder(arr) {
  if(arr.length < 2) { // case 1
    return 'not enough items'; // can also be 'unsorted'
  var ascending = null;
  var nextArr = arr.slice(1); // create an array that starts from the 2nd element of the original array

  for(var i = 0; i < nextArr.length; i++) {
    if (nextArr[i] === arr[i]) { // neutral - do nothing
    } else if(ascending === null) { // define the the direction by the 1st delta encountered
      ascending = nextArr[i] > arr[i];
    } else if (ascending !== nextArr[i] > arr[i]) { // case 5
      return 'unsorted';
  if(ascending === null) { // case 2
    return 'all items are equal'; // can also be 'unsorted'
  return ascending ? 'ascending' : 'descending'; // cases 3 & 4

console.log(findSortOrder([1])); // case 1

console.log(findSortOrder([1, 1, 1, 1])); // case 2

console.log(findSortOrder([1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 7])); // case 3

console.log(findSortOrder([7, 2, 2, 1])); // case 4

console.log(findSortOrder([7, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1])); // case 5

"Check if an array is descending, ascending or not sorted using loops"

// define the array
var array = [1,2,3,7];

// keep track of things
var isDescending = true;
var isAscending = true;

// we're looking ahead; loop from the first element to one before the last element
for (var i=0, l=array.length-1; i<l; i++)


   // log to the console to show what's happening for each loop iteration

   // this is the ith iteration 
   console.log("loop iteration %s", i);

   // breaking isDescending down:
   // is this value greater than the next value?
   console.log("A: (%s > %s) = %s", array[i], array[i+1], (array[i] > array[i+1]));

   // have all values been descending so far?
   console.log("B: isDescending: %s", isDescending);

   // if this value is greater than the next and all values have been descending so far, isDescending remains true. Otherwise, it's set to false.
  console.log("are A and B both true? %s", (isDescending && (array[i] > array[i+1])));

   // add a line break for clarity


   // true if this is greater than the next and all other so far have been true
   isDescending = isDescending && (array[i] > array[i+1]);

   // true if this is less than the next and all others so far have been true
   isAscending = isAscending && (array[i] < array[i+1]);


if (isAscending)
else if (isDescending) 
  console.log('Not Sorted');

