React removing an element when onClick

Little confused about how the whole app works, but I will try to help you.

To make react changes to the dom, you have to put players in the state. So, in the removePlayer you make a copy of this.state.players in a local variable (just to not change the array directly in state, it's a good practice), then you make the split in this local variable and finally you setState({ players: localPlayers}).

This way the "div" will be removed.

We sorted it out in chat. Like expected, it was a problem with the state.

I made a small semi-pseudo snippet with comments as explanation:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

// Your player constant, outside the scope of any React component
// This pretty much just lives in your browser as a plain object.
const players = [
    name: 'Jabba',
    score: 10,
    id: 11
    name: 'Han',
    score: 10,
    id: 1
    name: 'Rey',
    score: 30,
    id: 10

class App extends Component {

  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      players, // ES6 Syntax, same as players: players
      // Add all your other stuff here

  removePlayer(id) {
    const newState = this.state;
    const index = newState.players.findIndex(a => === id);

    if (index === -1) return;
    newState.players.splice(index, 1);

    this.setState(newState); // This will update the state and trigger a rerender of the components

  render() {

   const listPlayers = => { // Note the this.state, this is important for React to see changes in the data and thus rerender the Component

        removePlayer={this.removePlayer.bind(this)} //bind this to stay in the context of the parent component

    return (

//////////////////////////////////////// Child component


<DeleteButton onClick={() => this.props.removePlayer(}>


Here is how i solved this

i've added an id to the element and then with function remove i detroyed it

const closenotif = () => document.getElementById("notif").remove()
<div id="notif">
       <button onClick={destroy}> close </button>

NB : the element is destroyed in the current document so in the current render

on Next JS this works perfectly

if you are using a live rendering with react this probably won't work

i'll suggest you to work with states in that case