Check for string in "response.content" raising "TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'"

r.content is a bytes object but text is str, so you can't do the __contains__ (in) check on another directly.

You can easily (re-)define the text object to be a bytestring:

text = b'Sorry, there are no upcoming events'

Now, you can do if text in r.content:.

or you can use r.text to get the str representation directly, and use text as-is (as str).

r.content returns a bytes like object in Python 3.x. To check, do:

>>> type(r.content)
<class 'bytes'>

There are multiple ways to fix your issue. For example:

  1. Decode r.content to string: You can decode it to string as:

    >>> text in r.content.decode()
  2. Convert r.content to utf-8 string as:

    >>> text in str(r.content, 'utf-8')
  3. Define your text to search as a byte-string. For example:

    text = b'Sorry, there are no upcoming events'
    #      ^  note the `b` here

    Now you may simply use it with r.content as:

    >>> text in r.content
  4. Use r.text instead of r.content to search for the string, which as the document suggests:

    The text encoding guessed by Requests is used when you access r.text.

    Hence you may just do:

    >>> text in r.text

Try this instead:

if text in r.text:

r.text is the textual content that is returned. r.content is the binary content that is returned.