How to test input file with Jest and vue/test-utils

If you're just wanting to simulate a value in input.element.files and changes to input.element.value in Jest, but not necessarily accurately simulating every DOM behavior, you can do it by defining a getter/setter for those fields. This works for me:

let localImageInput
let localImageInputFiles
let localImageInputValueGet
let localImageInputValueSet
let localImageInputValue = ''

beforeEach(function() {
  localImageInput = wrapper.find('#local-image-input')
  localImageInputFilesGet = jest.fn()
  localImageInputValueGet = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(localImageInputValue)
  localImageInputValueSet = jest.fn().mockImplementation(v => {
    localImageInputValue = v

  Object.defineProperty(localImageInput.element, 'files', {
    get: localImageInputFilesGet

  Object.defineProperty(localImageInput.element, 'value', {
    get: localImageInputValueGet,
    set: localImageInputValueSet

it('should do the thing', function() {
  localImageInputValue = 'some-image.gif'
    size: 12345,
    blob: 'some-blob',
    width: 300,
    height: 200


  return Vue.nextTick().then(() => {
    // Assuming the component sets input.value = '' when this event is triggered
    // and calls someFn with the image data
      size: 12345,
      blob: 'some-blob',
      width: 300,
      height: 200

You could do this using the DataTransfer object. Unfortunately, it hasn't been added to JSDOM, so you can't test in Jest. There's an open issue to add the object—

If you ran your tests in a browser using Karma, you could test like this:

const wrapper = shallow(FormComponent)
const input = wrapper.find('input[type="file"]')
const dT = new ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData || new DataTransfer()
dT.items.add(new File(['foo'], 'programmatically_created.txt'))
input.element.files = dT.files