Change VBA Editor Color Scheme to something darker

Odd, when the question migrated over from SO, my first comment with the link was deleted. Here it is again:

How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor?

Since you're manually changing everything, my only other suggestion is to make sure you don't accidentally make some highlighting color invisible against your new background.

Five years after the question, but worth checking... You wrote:

the bright white background is making my eyes sad

Don't address only the VBA editor, address the entire Windows session at once.

Use NegativeScreen open-source freeware to temporarily invert your entire Windows color scheme by transforming its colors. This will solve white background problem in all Windows apps at once.

  • Using a hotkey, you can enable/disable color transformation whenever you need it.

  • You can create your own color transformations to further aid your eyes - for example to decrease contrast. (Such a matrix is in this SuperUser answer.)

This solution is almost 100% reliable, because it uses functionality of built-in Magnifier accessibility tool which is implemented directly by the Microsoft so it has no quirks or strange side effects (what I can confirm from my few years' experience with its daily use).

