Change language of entire React Native App

you can install i18n package from this link :

Now, in every part you need to make changes in your language just import I18n to js file:

import I18n from "react-native-i18n";

and use bottom code in onpress button

I18n.locale = "en"; // Language desired

You can use this package:

Once installed all you have to do is to define your locale files, for example:

// src/i18n/locales/en.js
export default {  
  greeting: 'Hi!'

// src/i18n/locales/es.js
export default {  
  greeting: 'Hola!'

// src/i18n/locales/jp.js
export default {  
  greeting: 'Konichiwa!'

Then import those files and setup the configuration for i18n support like this:

// src/i18n/index.js
import I18n from 'react-native-i18n';
import en from './locales/en';
import es from './locales/es'; 
import jp from './locales/jp';  

I18n.fallbacks = true;

I18n.translations = {

export default I18n; 

And finally use it in your components like this:

import I18n from 'src/i18n';

class Demo extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (

By default it will use the device's locale, but if you want to overwrite that. For example when the user has device with a Spanish locale, but want to use Japanese, you can do something like this:

I18n.locale = 'jp';

Whenever you call I18n.t('greeting') it will render Konichiwa!. From now on, you will always need to use I18n.t to render any text in your app.

The main issue with this library is the fact that you don't know which keys are still in use once your app grows, managing all your translations is super challenging, I'd recommend you to use a tool like LinguiJS for that: