Stratified sampling with pyspark

this is based on the accepted answer of @eliasah and this so thread

If you want to get back a train and testset you can use the following function:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F 

def stratified_split_train_test(df, frac, label, join_on, seed=42):
    """ stratfied split of a dataframe in train and test set.
    inspiration gotten from:"""
    fractions ="fraction", F.lit(frac)).rdd.collectAsMap()
    df_frac = df.stat.sampleBy(label, fractions, seed)
    df_remaining = df.join(df_frac, on=join_on, how="left_anti")
    return df_frac, df_remaining

to create a stratified train and test set where 80% of the total is used for the training set

df_train, df_test = stratified_split_train_test(df=df, frac=0.8, label="y", join_on="unique_id")

This can be accomplished pretty easily with 'randomSplit' and 'union' in PySpark.

# read in data
df =, header=True)
# split dataframes between 0s and 1s
zeros = df.filter(df["Target"]==0)
ones = df.filter(df["Target"]==1)
# split datasets into training and testing
train0, test0 = zeros.randomSplit([0.8,0.2], seed=1234)
train1, test1 = ones.randomSplit([0.8,0.2], seed=1234)
# stack datasets back together
train = train0.union(train1)
test = test0.union(test1)

The solution I suggested in Stratified sampling in Spark is pretty straightforward to convert from Scala to Python (or even to Java - What's the easiest way to stratify a Spark Dataset ?).

Nevertheless, I'll rewrite it python. Let's start first by creating a toy DataFrame :

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
list = [(2147481832,23355149,1),(2147481832,973010692,1),(2147481832,2134870842,1),(2147481832,541023347,1),(2147481832,1682206630,1),(2147481832,1138211459,1),(2147481832,852202566,1),(2147481832,201375938,1),(2147481832,486538879,1),(2147481832,919187908,1),(214748183,919187908,1),(214748183,91187908,1)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(list, ["x1","x2","x3"])
# +----------+----------+---+
# |        x1|        x2| x3|
# +----------+----------+---+
# |2147481832|  23355149|  1|
# |2147481832| 973010692|  1|
# |2147481832|2134870842|  1|
# |2147481832| 541023347|  1|
# |2147481832|1682206630|  1|
# |2147481832|1138211459|  1|
# |2147481832| 852202566|  1|
# |2147481832| 201375938|  1|
# |2147481832| 486538879|  1|
# |2147481832| 919187908|  1|
# | 214748183| 919187908|  1|
# | 214748183|  91187908|  1|
# +----------+----------+---+

This DataFrame has 12 elements as you can see :

# 12

Distributed as followed :

# +----------+-----+
# |        x1|count|
# +----------+-----+
# |2147481832|   10|
# | 214748183|    2|
# +----------+-----+

Now let's sample :

First we'll set the seed :

seed = 12

The find the keys to fraction on and sample :

fractions ="x1").distinct().withColumn("fraction", lit(0.8)).rdd.collectAsMap()
# {2147481832: 0.8, 214748183: 0.8}
sampled_df = df.stat.sampleBy("x1", fractions, seed)
# +----------+---------+---+
# |        x1|       x2| x3|
# +----------+---------+---+
# |2147481832| 23355149|  1|
# |2147481832|973010692|  1|
# |2147481832|541023347|  1|
# |2147481832|852202566|  1|
# |2147481832|201375938|  1|
# |2147481832|486538879|  1|
# |2147481832|919187908|  1|
# | 214748183|919187908|  1|
# | 214748183| 91187908|  1|
# +----------+---------+---+

We can now check the content of our sample :

# 9

# +----------+-----+
# |        x1|count|
# +----------+-----+
# |2147481832|    7|
# | 214748183|    2|
# +----------+-----+

Assume you have titanic dataset in 'data' dataframe which you want to split into train and test set using stratified sampling based on the 'Survived' target variable.

  # Check initial distributions of 0's and 1's
-> data.groupBy("Survived").count().show()

 |       1|  342|
 |       0|  549

  # Taking 70% of both 0's and 1's into training set
-> train = data.sampleBy("Survived", fractions={0: 0.7, 1: 0.7}, seed=10)

  # Subtracting 'train' from original 'data' to get test set 
-> test = data.subtract(train)

  # Checking distributions of 0's and 1's in train and test sets after the sampling
-> train.groupBy("Survived").count().show()
|       1|  239|
|       0|  399|
-> test.groupBy("Survived").count().show()

|       1|  103|
|       0|  150|