Constraint on Composite Type

Use CREATE DOMAIN with a CHECK constraint. This works in PostgreSQL 9.1. It's documented to work in at least 8.0+. "A partial workaround is to use domain types as members of composite types."

create domain angle as float check (value between -90 and 90);

create type axis as (
    major_axis float,
    minor_axis float,
    angle angle

create table sample(
    axis1 axis,
    axis2 axis

This INSERT statement should succeed.

insert into sample values
(row(0, 0, 35), row(0, 0, 35));

But this one should fail.

insert into sample values
(row(0, 0, 93), row(0, 0, 35));
ERROR: value for domain angle violates check constraint "angle_check"
SQL state: 23514